This event marks the third anniversary of my dream JEM Fab Fashions, and just to be able to celebrate this moment with you all here today means the world to me. 

For those of you who don’t know the meaning behind JEM, let me start by sharing that with you. I took the initials of my three daughters: Jazzmine, Elena, and Mia, and decided to honor them and show them how much I love them by including them in my life’s passion. The butterfly in my JEM logo is a tribute and honor to my baby sister Krystal, she left this world at the age of 2, but she has never left my side. Through her, I have learned that just because someone leaves their physical form, it doesn’t mean that they leave us completely. Because after her passing and every day since, that is how she continues to show me she is present with me, in spirit, guiding me through my journey and being a blessing in my life.

Creating JEM has allowed me to not only share my Fashion on the runway but to live my passion. Which is inspiring each person I come in contact with to celebrate their beauty and believe in the power of their dreams. 

You see, we spend our lives climbing mountains, always aiming for the next peak. Now and then we tumble downwards to an area we don’t recognize and at that very moment, we feel lost and scared. They are often the most defining moments in our lives because at that moment we are continuously growing and changing.  It’s important to remember that any roadblock and challenge you face will never be understood then because you are too busy living it. However, as time passes and your story unfolds, you begin to see how that experience became a turning point in your life and beautiful things begin to happen.

At this moment, I am going to ask my daughter Elena to stand by me. For the last three years, my daughter has been battling Crohn’s disease. We lived in and out of the hospital, and she has had two major surgeries already.  Through it all, she always stayed strong and kept a positive mindset. Her faith in God is what kept her here right now standing next to me.  So today my fashion line signifies strength, courage, and power, and it represents her.  

My beautiful child, this day is dedicated to you. You have been my motivation and my inspiration behind my designs. There was a time I wanted to give up and all I thought about was your beautiful smile and how strong you are despite your hardships. You kept me together, you inspired me to another level I never imagined I could reach. 

I’m here today to tell everyone when you feel discouraged, misunderstood, hopeless, and just don’t believe in yourself.  Take a deep breath, count your blessings and remember the warrior that lives in you. So stand tall and stand proud, Kings and Queens.  Fix your crown!

With that said, I am proud to introduce to you and everyone here the Elena Love Collection designed by me.

Elena Love Collections

Thank you, Andy Don  for taking such beautiful photographs.

Thank you, Denia Bent for all the pictures you took at the JEM Wonderland Third Annual Red Carpet Gala and also for these beautiful photos as well.

I am a true believer that God will send you a powerful tribe of amazing friends and incredible fans and supporters that will see your light and embrace your love and believe in the power of your message. Thank you to all who believed in me your love is truly appreciated. Special shout out to all my amazing sponsors. Nakisha Camacho from Pamela Beldford https:/ /  Myrtle October Chris Pearson from Jazzmine Rodriguez from Vazquez from Lucy Cales from Jonathan Ellerbee from Josehan Avila and his team from Andy Don from Charisse Edwards Denia Bent Shay Elizabeth Sharetha Davis Flora Sanchez from also, my beautiful parents Carlos and Soreyda Marrero for cooking the delicious Latin food for the gala. 



Let’s not forget our live entertainment with the amazing

Luna Muni

Melinda Blou Note

Ariel V

and Victor Rios also known as

DJ Smash

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